So I've decided to write a blog ... it has taken me an hour to get this far ... designing the background was difficult enough but now I have put finger to keyboard, I'll give it a go.
The 1st of March began with the launch of the 3rd witch in my 2012 series to celebrate the 400 year anniversary of the Pendle Witch trials.
I thought this represents motherhood and as Mothers Day is later this month, seemed an appropriate subject for March. This finshed witch was my second attempt, the first one blew up in the kiln! Well, to be more precise, her tummy blew off! Funny really as she had kind of given birth in the kiln, somewhat involuntarily! Anyway, the second one was far more successful and was launched today.
These are the first two in the series.
January's witch is a result of her New Years Eve party and obviously February is Valentines Day. All the witches in the series represent a significant event that happens each month and will be launched on my facebook page on the first of every month.
They are also available to buy ... each one is unique and will not be replicated so you would be buying the one and only.
I have also been making special order witches, linked to a special day and produced with the particular person in mind. I love personalising the witches as this makes them even more unique. At the moment I am making a witch for someones birthday who's job is a lawyer. This witch has a scroll and is very smartly dressed .... she has a witches hat which is mandatory and a long dress. I'll post a photo in my blog once its finished.
Well, I think that will do for my first entry, blogging is going to be a new experience but hopfully will be an interesting thing for me to do and for you to read. Feedback and comments will of course be very welcome.
Speak soon
Congratulations on starting your blog! I always admire how well you take the mishaps in the kiln - I wish I was as chilled as you are! I look forward to popping back and seeing how things are going. Best wishes, Shan x